This was by far the most unique wish we have had!!! And let me tell you…it was soooo awesome to be able to give this to Logan.
Logan is a lover of music and art. She already plays multiple instruments and is in multiple musical programs.
There was one really important question I asked Logan when granting this wish….what is something you want but would never ask anyone to buy for you and would never buy yourself.… A BASSOON!!!! Logan spent a ton of time answering my ridiculously long list of questions. Here I learned so much about just her! But the one thing that stuck out the most was this bassoon. She has wanted one for quite some time. If you know anything about musical instruments you’ll know that bassoons aren’t really in the average household budget. But guess what…it was in ours!!! BUT!!! We didn’t stop there. It really wasn’t enough for us to just go hand her a bassoon and say “have a nice day”. I needed more…she needed more. So we went ahead and got Logan some supplies to start out for her bassoon, added in a $150 Amazon gift card (because she also LOVES to buy wigs!!), and got her and her family tickets to the Orchestra at Symphoria of Syracuse. Which they will attend on October 23rd!!
BUT….why stop there? With some connections, I was able to reach out to Lara Mosby who was able to set up a meet and greet with Jessica Wooldridge King who is a professional Bassoonist for Symphoria!! Which will happen earlier in the day on October 23rd!
It was truly an honor and privilege to be able to give this gift to Logan. She really is the definition of a “Super Sibling”.
None of this would have been possible without some amazing people. Please join me in thanking everyone who helped to make this wish possible!!
Laura Watson Boyden-Vice President of PSS
Doretta Inslee Hapeman- Secretary of PSS
Erica Marie Goessl- Treasurer of PSS
Donna McLaughlin- volunteer (and the best grandmother on the planet)
Jennifer Walsh Hazeltine and family- Logan’s mom
Jeremy Belfield- Superintendent of Lafayette High school. He unlocked the school on a Saturday so that we could make this wish granting extra special! *I also want to note that Jeremy just so happens to be the father of our last wish sibling. What a small world!!*
Lara Mosby from Symphoria for arranging the meet and greet
Jessica King- Bassoonist, also from Symphoria for meeting Logan
Nichole Lent-photographer Sweet Pea Photography
CNY Tuesdays- it was the grant we received a few months back that mainly funded this wish.
Adam Weitsman and his daughter Clover- for starting CNY Tuesdays. You have given Logan an unforgettable gift and encouraged her love of music.