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The Horror Movie- Austin


Meet Austin. He is Paulies Super Siblings first wish kid for 2019. Austin’s sister has fought many battles in her life, one being Wilms Tumor. Austin is a lover of all things horror movie. Austin had switched rooms with his sister a while back so this young man was rockin some pink walls in his room. It was time for an upgrade! Austin wished for a bedroom makeover.

Austin received some new electronics, some fresh paint, and some decor from the scariest horror movies!!

There were lots of bumps in the road but I am so happy with the way the room turned out. None of this would have been possible without the help of some amazing people!!! Doretta Inslee Hapeman Jessica Sixberry Kathy Rayder Hall and Shawn. A special thanks and shout out to Sharon Bauer and The Lioness Club of Central Square for donating their proceeds from the annual craft show to grant this wish.

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